keto diet for weight loss and good brain functioning

Keto Diet: What to Keep in Mind?

Keto diet is a buzzword now, every one of us wants a dream body. But in following keto diet what to keep in mind?……

Keto Diet - Two bowl of fruit and vegetable salad.
Photo by Travis Yewell on Unspash


Keto diet what to keep in mind? In today’s world dream of every person is to have maintained body——- in terms of shape and weight. Ketogenic Diets are wildly popular for good reason…Because they work! It is the most popular weight loss diet. Keto diet is actually extremely high-fat, moderate protein, and low- or no-carbohydrate diet that forces the body into a state of ketosis.

What is the Keto diet process

In the process of Ketosis molecules called ketones are build up in the blood stream. Low carbohydrate levels cause blood sugar levels to drop and the body begins breaking down fat to use as energy.  By this way of eating reprograms your metabolism and burn fat. That’s make keto so powerful for weight loss. But carbohydrate levels cause blood sugar levels to drop and the body begins breaking down fat to use as energy.


Keto diet provides major health benefits – help protect you against cancer, heart disease and diabetes. It helps maintaining hormonal balance and nearly every aspect of brain health. Experts say ketosis itself is not necessarily harmful; in fact, suggest that a ketogenic diet is safe for significantly overweight or obese people.

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What does keto diet include?

Keto diet includes eggs, chicken fish like salmon and mackerel, full-fat dairy, nuts and seeds, nuts, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, peanuts and flaxseeds.

You can take natural peanut, almond and cashew butters. It also consists of healthy fats like coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, and sesame oil. Most of the vegetables and fruits have carb. There are Avocados, and non-starchy vegetables like the greens, broccoli, tomatoes, mushrooms and peppers which you can include in your keto diet.   .

A ketogenic diet may be an option for people who have had difficulty losing weight with other methods. But in my opinion, you should start your ketogenic diet plan under expert guidance. That guides you and keeps everything under control by performing proper and routine checkups.

Keto diet – what to keep in mind?

Get the carb limit down (50g net carbs per day) and you’re most of the way there! But to ensure your success, you can start with following additional tips on a keto diet or low carb diet:

Limit your protein intake.

Photo by Tijana on Unsplash
A keto diet or low carb diet is not a high protein diet. Low carb is generally higher in protein than keto. But high protein diets can stress the kidneys, and convert excess protein to glucose. You have to be careful in selecting and find the right proportion between both.

Use fat as a lever.

Both keto and low carb are high fat diets. Fat is our source of energy as well as satiety. The key to understand, though, is that fat is a lever on a low carb or keto diet. Carbs and protein stay constant, and fat is the one you increase or decrease (push the lever up or down) to gain or lose weight, respectively. So if your goal is weight loss, eat enough fat to be satisfied.

Maintain electrolytes

In keto diet you have to keep proper check on your electrolyte balance. The major electrolytes in our bodies are sodium, potassium and magnesium. Because a low carb diet (especially a keto diet!) reduces the amount of water you store, this can flush out electrolytes and make you feel sick (called “keto flu”). This is temporary, but you can avoid or eliminate it by salting your food liberally. You can choose to take supplements for electrolytes, but it’s best to first consult a doctor

Lots of water.

This is especially crucial on a low carb or keto diet. Why? When you eat carbohydrates, your body stores the extra as glycogen in the liver, where they are bound to water molecules. Eating low carb depletes this glycogen, which allows you to burn fat – but it also means you are storing less water, making it easier to get dehydrated. Instead of the traditional recommendation of 8 cups of water per day, aim for 16 cups when following a low carb lifestyle.

Eat when you are hungry

Get out of the mindset that you need to eat 4-6 meals per day or constantly snack. Eating too frequently on a keto or low carb diet is not necessary, and can affect weight loss. Eat when you’re hungry.

whole foods

  1. Though it is difficult to shift on natural or whole foods to restrict carbohydrates. But eating processed foods will not help you get rid of cravings or be good for your body.

For good results, you have to make a schedule for an exercise regime. You’ll feel better help improve your health, achieve your goal of weight loss, and get your dream body shape.

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    1. Hi Winnie, Thank you for your appreciation. The most important thing is you liked it.
      Sure, I’ll post some more such articles. Thank you for your motivation.

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