Depression is a fast growing disease. A boy feeling depressed.

Depression: How to tackle it?


Depression has started taking many lives, You have to understand Depression How to tackle it.

Depression starts with a feeling of sadness. How sad you are? The entire world is not aware of it, and often people misunderstand you. It is easy to say or discuss your physical pain but when you try to conceal your mental pain its burden increase. How to tackle your depression becomes a big question? Depression is a kind of feeling that interferes with your ability first. It affects your working and your social life. How to tackle depression is a big question?

Since the morning when you awake, you don’t want to get out of your bed. It happens every day it means this is the right time to look at you.

Kelly is my next-door neighbor. During the corona period, I saw her faced a phase of depression when she lost her job. It was difficult for her to run her entire family. One day when she came to me and told me about her problem, we discuss the whole matter. Soon after she started working on the project, she started making masks. Now she is making scarves, designer masks, and strolls. Recently she got a big order, and she is fit and fine. The positive thing, in this case, was Kelly opened up with me and started working on her project.

Symptoms of Depression

Actually, you don’t know when you are in the grip of hopelessness and despair. Before you know how to tackle your depression you should know the symptoms of it. Depression interferes with your ability.

  • You may lose interest in your day-to-day activity.
  • Feeling depressed.
  • Feel worthless.
  • Have Loss of appetite or weight loss.
  • Have irritating behavior.
  • Feeling agitated.
  • Loss of energy, fatigue, sluggishness, feeling drained
  • Have Feelings of numbness and emptiness.
  • You become less capable of coping with things.
  • Sometimes you may have thoughts of death.

How to tackle Depression

Depression is a state of being sad and feeling alone. You should not sit alone and piling up your thought but move on and start meeting people. It’ll be better you go out, start some kind of work. You can go to the park, play with kids, or engage yourself in some social activities.

Self-care—Self-care is the best because you better understand the reason for depression. Recognize depression and getting the help you need to come out of it. You can also keep a check on your thoughts when these types of thoughts are intense.

Try to improve your mood in this tough time.

You can get help from your friends and family. But if you don’t want to discuss with them, you can take the help of a mental health doctor, any expert, or a counselor

Take proper medicine.

Some patients don’t take medications as prescribed by the doctor.

Depression often varies in men, women, teens, or in older people.

What can you do to feel better. and tackle depression

Say to yourself that- you are a pure soul. You are an important being like others. You love yourself. Start taking care of yourself.

Do regular exercise, or do meditation, you can join any gym, or meditation classes either. Dr. Hong’s psychiatry recommends tai chi, which is also a great fitness option. Even an activity as simple as walking can give your mood a boost. activity as simple as walking can give your mood a boost.

Meditation helps you to deal with your depression

Do regular exercise, or do meditation, you can join any gym, or meditation classes either. Dr. Hong’s psychiatry recommends tai chi, which is also a great fitness option. Even an activity as simple as walking can give your mood a boost.

Keep engaging yourself

You can join classes; cooking classes, art classes, dance/music classes. In this environment, you can get a pleasant companion. Sometimes strangers become good friends.

Take the help of an expert or medical doctor.


Depression is like cancer treats it timely. It can be temporary or for a longer period. No matter how bad it is, keep your hope alive. You can find a path of healing by changing your negative thoughts into positive ones. Many people with depression could enjoy better lifestyle habits. In your life adapt better techniques like relaxation techniques and deep breathing. Try to look good and feel better. The only treatment is not a complete solution to depression. Take some other steps like aromatherapy. You can go on trips to change the surroundings; it will also help you come out of depression.

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